
学校紹介 第2弾!!






< Stage Presentation of School Festival:学習発表会のステージ発表>


The stage presentation is held in October every year.  It’s one of the most exciting events in our school.

It takes place for twenty minutes.  Each class produce the presentation about what they learn during integrated lessons.

The students make costumes and make tools.  They practice many times and do the actual play.  All the classes are looking forward to it.  I think it’s a very good event to deepen the bond among everyone.


<Chorus Contest:合唱コンクール>


Our chorus contest is an event held in October every year.  All the classes practice hard for the grand prize.  During practice, we give advice to each other to make up the chorus together. Because of that, our friendship becomes stronger.

On the day, the students are united in their hearts and smiles as they sing.

In addition, our school has the “all students chorus”.  That’s something we can do because of small number of students.


さて、国では毎年11月を「児童虐待防止推進月間」とし、虐待防止のための集中的な広報・啓発活動が行われています。文部科学大臣からのメッセージ「保護者、学校関係者、地域の皆さまへ 『児童虐待の根絶に向けて~地域全体で子供たちを見守り育てるために~』」が文部科学省のホームページに掲載されているところですが、本校のホームページにも掲載いたしますので、この機会に是非ご一読くださいますようお願いいたします。



The Funahashi Times No.31 来年こそ、きっと!

Hello there!


One year ago, in the same month, my mother and brother came to Japan. We went around Osaka. We saw Osaka Castle, Umeda Sky building, and other famous attractions. We also rode a boat along Dotonbori river. Of course, we took a picture of the famous Glico Man too! We ate delicious okonomiyaki and takoyaki. It was fun. This year, they wanted to see Toyama. I was excited. I wanted to show them Mt. Tate, Kurobe Dam, Shomyo Falls, and other attractions. Sadly, they couldn’t come because of the virus. I wish everything will be OK next year. If they come and visit Toyama, I will surely show them Funahashi. They enjoyed Osaka, but I think they will like it better here.









<Funahashi Junior Highschool:舟橋中学校>


Funahashi Village has only one junior high school.  The school is FJH.  There aren’t many students, but we’re good friends.

We have a lunch room.  All students enjoy eating delicious school lunch there.

FJH has a perfect environment for studying.  For example, almost rooms have air conditioners.

When we ask teachers about studying, they become kin and answer our questions.

I think FJH is a very good school.  I like this school very much.


<Sports Festival:体育大会>


We have a sports festival in September.

It is one of the most exciting events in our school.  Especially, the cheer leading battle has become lively.  All the students dance in uniforms.  Also, we dance barefooted.  Everyone becomes the one.

There are other activities in the whole school like “the relay that everyone joins”.

Also, students make decorations.  They draw an animal that fits each team’s color.  If there is a chance, please come to see.

The Funahashi Times No.30 台風による被害 フィリピンの現状と復興への願い

Hello there!


These past weeks have been difficult for Philippines. On November 6, a strong typhoon hit my hometown. The wind was strong. Many trees fell down. Many houses were destroyed. A few days after, on November 11, another typhoon hit Philippines. It rained so much. Rivers overflowed. Many houses went underwater. I have mixed feelings. I’m happy because my family is safe. I’m also sad because many people lost their homes and lives. I hope the people recover from it soon. I hope that we also learn lessons from it. We can never stop the next typhoon. We can only prepare and take care of our environment. I hope we recover. I hope we learn.













The Funahashi Times No.29 野球って楽しい!

Hello there!


It was my first time to watch a baseball game last Sunday. Baseball isn’t too popular in Philippines, so I didn’t know much about it. I have never played baseball. I thought I wouldn’t enjoy it very much, but I was wrong. I enjoyed watching the game last Sunday. I felt excited each time our school team got a base. I felt nervous each time the other team hit the ball and ran to the bases at full speed. It was really fun. When I got home, I watched videos and read articles about baseball. I think I will watch more baseball games in the future.













