

Long time no see! I’m happy to be back at school. How was your summer vacation? Mine was very busy. I have just moved to a new apartment here in Funahashi Village last month. I had to clean my old apartment and carry all my things to my new apartment. My room is on the top floor of the building, so it was really difficult to carry my things. I also had to talk to many people and ask them if they had stuff that they don’t need. I got a lot of free stuff from my friends. I got a washing machine, a gas stove, a refrigerator, and many other things. I even got a guitar and a bicycle! Moving to a new apartment was a great experience. It was very tiring, but I learned a lot from it. I’m excited to start a new life here in Funahashi Village. I want to be more active in the community and join different events here. I hope to see you around!


It’s   a   nice   place !

防災の日 「救給カレー」







My friend gave me a ticket for the concert of the Toyama Chubu High School brass band. I was excited to watch because my former student is a member of the band. I got to the concert hall early to choose a good seat. It started on time, and I easily found my former student because she was at the center of the stage. The concert was wonderful. I know many of the songs they played. My favorite one was the soundtrack of the movie “Spirited Away” (千と千尋の神隠し). I used to listen to it in college when I couldn’t sleep well. I also liked their performance of the song “My Favorite Things” from the movie “The Sound of Music.” It made me remember my childhood because my mother made me watch the movie when I was young. I was really happy to see my former student. She and her bandmates were amazing. I’m proud of her. I wish I could see my other former students too.


Look! We decorated a wishing tree in Funahashi Elementary School to celebrate Tanabata. Many students and teachers wrote their wishes on a paper and hanged them on the wishing tree. Many students wished for a new game or toy. Many students also wished to meet their idols. Others wished for good scores on the tests. Some students wished to win on sports competitions. Some wished for a new pet. Some wished for the happiness of their family. Me? My wish is to go home to the Philippines for Christmas this year. I haven’t been home for more than 2 years, and I miss my family and friends there. How about you? Do you have any wishes?

I have a wish!!
My  wish is to get a good  seat  at  a concert.




I went to Takebana Riverside Park here in Funahashi Village with my students last month. We caught fireflies together. We brought nets and flashlights. My students taught me a lot about fireflies. They taught me that there are two types of fireflies. They also taught me the difference between male and female fireflies. They told me that cleaning the river is very important for the fireflies to live. A few years ago, there were only very few fireflies in the park. Now, there are more fireflies every year in the park because they cleaned it. If you want to see fireflies, you should visit the park in May or June. It’s best to go there at 8 pm.



Hello there!


Look! My shirt got really dirty! I joined an event at Orange Park last Sunday. The event was called “Savatoon”. Many parents and kids from nearby towns came to have fun. We brought water guns and wore white shirts. We filled the water guns with colored water and shot each other with water. Everyone’s shirt got dirty. We all got wet and cold. We were tired, but everybody laughed and enjoyed together. I want to join more events in Funahashi Village and have fun together with the kids!



項目は 1 メディアの利用時間 2 就寝時刻 3 立腰 4 運動時間
5 目の体操です。









1 セカイを科学せよ! 安田夏菜/著
2 海を見た日 M・G・ヘネシー/作
3 江戸のジャーナリスト葛飾北斎 千野境子/著


























