
Funahashi Times No.68「お手伝いをしました」

Hello there!

I helped my friend last Monday. He is going to move to a new apartment in 2 weeks. He needed to move all his things, but he couldn’t carry the fridge and the washing machine alone. They were too big and heavy. They were difficult to carry up and down the stairs, so I helped him. We worked hard. We were both tired and hungry after. Before going home, he said that he wanted to treat me for dinner. So, we went to a restaurant in Favore. He ordered katsudon for himself and tonkatsu for me. I was happy because I was able to help him, but I think I was happier because of the food.





Funahashi Times No.67「読書の秋」ですね

Hello there!

I want to introduce another book today. Its title is “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Caroll. Its story is about a little girl named Alice. One afternoon, she saw a mysterious rabbit and tried her best to follow it. Along the way, she met many mysterious characters. She met a smiling cat without a body, a very angry queen, and many more. Many strange things happened to her. At one time, she even grew as big as a house. When you read this book, you need to use your imagination. It’s a good book to challenge yourself. The original version is very difficult to read, but you can buy an easier version of the book at some bookstores in Toyama. It’s challenging, but I know you can read it.

修学旅行レポート 2日目その6


修学旅行レポート 2日目その5


修学旅行レポート 2日目その3

欅平で昼食をとったあと、再びトロッコ列車に乗り、宇奈月に戻って来ました。皆元気に活動しています 。バスで次の目的地、ミラージュランドへ向かっています。


修学旅行レポート 2日目その1




修学旅行レポート その5





