


1年生:Unit 9 ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’ 「世界や地域の諸問題」








3年生:Unit3  ‘Animals on the Red List’ 「貴重な生態系を次世代に残す」


‘About the Environment’

I didn’t know much about the environment until I entered junior high school. But now, it is a challenge that everyone knows. For example, abnormal climate, rising sea level, and plastic wastes are some of the environmental challenges that we face. These problems plague us. I saw a plastic straw stuck in the nose of a sea turtle on YouTube. It looked very painful. After seeing this, I started to listen carefully about the environment on the news. I learned that plastic wastes are not properly thrown away. Humans are throwing away plastic wastes and tormenting animals. So, I thought of what I could do. In order to reduce plastic waste as much as possible, I decided not to buy plastic products as much as possible and to separate waste properly. I think these small actions help animals live.


We often hear news about global warming. Global warming is having negative impact on the earth. Recently in Japan, heavy rains and intense heat have continued, and in Hokuriku, it did not snow at all. These changes in the environment can cause food to not grow well. CO₂ emission is related to global warming. An increase in CO₂ will warm the earth and create various problems. So, we have to reduce CO₂ emission. But it is difficult because we are driving cars and ships. CO₂ is also emitted from plants and powerplants. For the future, I think it is important to actively sell cars that run on electricity and use them. In any case, the Antarctic and Arctic ice may melt, the sea level may rise, and Japan may sink. So, it is important to think about what we can do, such as reducing the number of times we drive, and take the first step to save the earth.


I had not heard much about the environment and did not know much about it, but hearing about the current problems made me feel worried, and I am glad I was able to learn about them.









‘Effects of Global Warming on Animals’


Global warming is progressing rapidly now. Of course, it affects the lives of humans, but it also affects the lives of animals.


The first example is the polar bear. Global warming is melting ice and reducing the extent of sea ice. As a result, they are not catching enough prey and their numbers are declining. Also, by mid-century, 42% of the summer habitat of polar bears is expected to be lost.


A second example is the sea turtle. Male and female turtles are determined by the temperature of the beach where the eggs are laid. If the temperature of the beach is high, the gender will be female, and if it is low, it will be male. In other words, due to global warming, the temperature of the beach rises, and the number of females increases, which destroys the balance. This makes it more likely that they will not be able to reproduce. In addition, due to sea level rise, sandy beaches may disappear, making spawning impossible.


A third example is the coral. If the water becomes too warm, the coral will die and the reef will not form. Coral reefs are home to many creatures, and they may die too.


In this way, there are more than 4000 endangered species affected by global warming. I was surprised to know this fact. I think it’s strange that animals’ homes and lives are taken away because of human actions. I want them to be treated equally because they are all the same living creatures. I don’t want them to lose their precious lives.


To do that, we must prevent global warming. I tried to think of what I could do. I think that using eco bags is simple and easy to do. When I go to a convenience store or go shopping, I will bring my eco bag. But I may forget to bring my eco bag. In that case, instead of just throwing it away, I will reuse it as a garbage bag.

Let’s create a world where humans and animals can both live comfortably.








